Course Inspection of electrical work equipment according to NEN 3140 online

Cursus keuren elektrische arbeidsmiddelen volgens NEN 3140

Are you looking for an online training course in inspection of electrical work equipment according to NEN 3140?

Recognized and practically completed? The E-learning NEN 3140 inspection training from Ingenium, the trainer, is exactly what you are looking for! Inspectors trained by us have a practical attitude. They approve where possible and disapprove where necessary. As Ingenium the trainer, we believe that inspection is not a goal in itself, but a means to get and keep electrical work equipment safe.

The Ingenium online course Inspection of electrical work equipment according to NEN 3140 works as follows:

  • You register for the E-learning course
  • You go through the teaching material of the Inspection NEN 3140 course at home or at your workplace. You can do this entirely at your own pace
  • If necessary, if you have any questions, please contact us in the meantime via chat, mail or telephone
  • The final test takes place after completing the course material. After passing this test you will receive an E-learning certificate Inspection of electrical work equipment according to NEN 3140.

What does it bring?

After completing the online NEN 3140 inspection training, you can independently carry out inspections on electrical work equipment and electrically fixed (400V) machines. The NEN 3140 inspection of electrical workequipment and handheld tools has been legally required since 1998. NEN 3140 inspections can be done in-house or outsourced. The VCA checklist also demands the annual inspection of electrical work equipment, hand tools and machines.

The online test will take place immediately after completing the course material. After passing the test you will receive a digital certificate.

No prior training required

Technical or electrical prior training is not necessary.

Training duration and study load

It takes about 8 hours to go through the course material.

Result complies with Occupational Health and Safety at work act (Arbowet)

By following the online NEN 3140 inspection training, both the employer and the inspector meet the requirements of the Working Conditions Act for sufficient instruction and demonstrable expertise of the inspector.

Theory and practice part

The training courses from Ingenium, the trainer, excel in practice. However, theory is necessary for inspection.

Course content

The following topics are covered:

  • Theory of inspections NEN 3140 (what is inspection and the basic principles of inspecting work equipment)
  • The legal background of the inspection; the relationship between NEN 3140 and the Working Conditions Act
  • Duties, responsibilities and roles of the inspector
  • Risks of electricity
  • Classification of electrical work equipment and hand tools according to NEN 3140
  • The visual inspection of electrical hand tools and machines
  • The various measurements are explained in a practical way, such as protective conductor resistance, insulation resistance, replacement leakage current, real leakage current
  • Setting up a practical inspection administration. with which you comply with the Working Conditions Act and NEN 3140

Practical part NEN 3140 Inspector training

Using videos per brand and type of measuring instrument, you will learn practically how to carry out inspections on class I, class II appliances and three-phase machines (400V machines).

€ 229,-

Prices quoted are per candidate, excluding VAT, including digital certificate.

Are you eligible for a subsidy?

Under specific circumstances, this training may be covered by an OOM, ESF or WIJ-techniek grant.

Geen veelgestelde vragen gevonden

Training duration and study load

It takes about 8 hours to go through the course material.

Investering van de training: € 249

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